Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 is a very important stage of your child’s primary school experience.
In Year Two we begin to work more independently as we work towards reaching the end of KS1. The children begin to flourish as they see themselves as independent learners and enjoy exploring through practical experiences and written ideas.
The Year 2 teacher this year is Mrs Kenworthy. She will be supported by Mrs Watson, Mrs Appleyard, and Mrs Walstow.
Our PE days will be Thursdays and Fridays. Please bring your P.E. kit in a bag on Thursdays, and come dressed in your P.E. kit on Fridays.
P.E. Kit is blue or black P.E. shorts/plain black running leggings.
Plain blue or white T-Shirt (no football tops or tops with a logo).
Suitable trainers for outdoor activity.
Plain blue/black jogging bottoms.
Our current class reader is 'The Naughtiest Unicorn' by Pip Bird.
Homework expectations
Please read with your child 3 times a week.
Practise spellings handed out every Friday-Spelling test on following Friday.
Times Tables Rock Stars x 2 per week.
Please ensure your child brings in their link book daily.
Year 2 Curriculum Overview: Autumn 2
End of Year 2 Expectations
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End of Y2 Expectations.pdf | Download |