SEN Information
At Thorpe Primary School, we pride ourselves on being a highly inclusive primary school, which strives to meet the individual needs of all of our learners. The importance of each child achieving their potential is at the heart of everything we do.
All staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality information and training. We aim to quickly identify pupils who are making limited progress and provide targeted interventions and support to meet their needs. We ensure that parents and carers are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning at regular points throughout the year.
We work in partnership with children, parents/carers and other agencies, including Local Authority, Health Professionals and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care and provide the best possible educational outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs.
If you would like any information, have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact the SENDCo.
Details of the arrangements for the admission of children with special educational needs and disabilities and the steps taken to prevent them from being treated less favourably than others are outlined in the SEN policy below.
Our SENCO here at Thorpe Primary School is Mrs Sam Brookes.
Mrs Brookes is in school Monday to Thursday and can be contacted via the main switchboard on 0113 5217040, or an email to
Key information about SEND policy and practice at Thorpe Primary School
SEND Policy Thorpe SEN Information Report Parent Guide to SEND at Thorpe Primary School Accessibility Plan 2022-2025
For information about different types of Special Educational Needs and how to support your child, please click SEND Resources for Parents/Carers
Please click here for information about the national SEN Code of Practice: 0-25 years
Information about the Education, Health and Care Plan process in Leeds can be found here
Thorpe Primary School are working closely with the MindMate Support Team (MMST) to develop the emotional and mental health of all our pupils. The MMST are:
- delivering staff training
- providing workshops for parents/carers
- providing workshops for classes
- delivering whole school/phase assemblies
- delivering small group interventions
- devliering 1:1 intensive support for children and their families.
Further information can be found under the More Tab on the MMST page, or by clicking here
Leeds Local Offer
The Leeds Local Offer signposts parents and carers to sources of support across the city. More information can be found in the booklet below or on their website.
The Leeds Special Eduational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) provides information. advice and support, for parents/carers, children, and young people with Special Educational Needs. It is impartial, confidential, and works at arm's length from the Local Authority and schools. The service is free and accessible to all parents and carers of children with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Further information can be found on their website.
SENDIASS also run workshops which parents can access. Information about the workshops can be found here
MindMate Neurodiversity Hub
The MindMate Neurodiversity Hub is a one-stop support resource for neurodivergent children, young people and their families and carers in Leeds. The Neurodivsity hub can be accessed here...
For parents and carers of children with autism, or those who are considering an autism assessment, the Leeds STARS team offer consultations and workshops to provide parents/carers with advice and support. Further information about the workshops can be found here and about the STARS team/support can be found here.